Grandd Central 7.1
May 10, 2023
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡ Custom Fields in Devices

  • This gives the ability for users to add custom fields to their devices in Grandd Central, allowing for better organization of key data

⚡ Expense Summary

  • New expense summary in payroll for easier viewing

⚡Aprove Timecards From Jobs View

  • Users can now approve timecards from the jobs dashboard for quick approvals

Bug Fixes

🛠️Fixed the issue where employee accruals were not saving

🛠️Addressed the issue of overall slowness in Findd

🛠️Various payroll enhancements have been implemented to improve overall functionality

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Grandd Central 7.0
April 5, 2023
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡Toggle Coloration

  • The toggles' coloration has been improved to make it easier for users to distinguish between the on and off states

⚡Note line with new device set up

  • Users can now add a note when setting up a new device, which provides an additional level of detail for their records

⚡ Timecard details toggle

  • Users can now select who has access to change the location permission of a job, giving them more control over who can make changes to their job settings

Bug Fixes

🛠️Several bugs have been fixed, including refining some of the Spanish sections in GC, and addressing general issues that were affecting the system's performance.

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Grandd Central 6.8
March 20, 2023
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡Spanish Translation of Grandd Central

  • Users are now able to view Grandd Central in Spanish. This setting can be changed for specific users in user settings.

⚡Scheduling enhancements

  • Users can now change the hierarchy of a shift template by clicking on it in the shift template settings. Additionally, duplicate names on shift templates are now allowed when they have differing hierarchies.

⚡ Timecard details toggle

  • A user can now view the details of a punch set by turning on the "show timecard details" toggle. This will be helpful for quickly viewing the details of punch sets.

Bug Fixes

🛠️Fixed the issue where notification settings were not saving

🛠️Fixed the issue where the "exclude weekend" feature for scheduling was not working correctly

🛠️Fixed the issue where users could not add a shift from posted schedules as well as issues with deleting a shift

🛠️Fixed the issue where the punch comment email notification was not coming in

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Android Release 6.1.1339
February 17, 2023
Android Mobile App

The latest app version will be 6.1.1339 and is now available in the Play Store

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed scenarios where the drawer was not opening correctly

🛠️ Fixed the issue where employees could punch into non-allowed hierarchies

🛠️ Fixed jobs sync issues

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Android Release 6.1.1333
February 7, 2023
Android Mobile App

The latest app version will be 6.1.1333 and is now available in the Play Store

Release Items

⚡Transfer Performance Enhancements

  • Updated systems to make sure that transfers work correctly across multiple devices

⚡Syncing Improvements

  • Making sure that changes are synced between two devices

Bug Fixes

🛠️Fixed scenarios where the "Punch In" button would not work properly

🛠️ Fixed the issue where employees could punch into a hierarchy other than the one assigned to the shift

🛠️ Fixed the issue where users were not directed back to the clock after punching in from a break

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Grandd Central 6.7
February 6, 2023
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡Leave requests are now only available in 1-hour increments.

  • Eliminates issues with users requesting partial hours for leave

⚡Employee Timecard Reports

  • Users can now download a specific employee timecard for a certain week along with details such as name, ID, and start/end date.

⚡ Notifications subscriptions now take you to the exact employee timecard

  • Once the notification is clicked under the bell icon within Grandd Central it will take you directly to the employee mentioned in the notification

Bug Fixes

🛠️Fixed the issue where Accept/Reject buttons were not populating for suspense exceptions

🛠️Fixed the issue where a newly created shift would not show until the page was refreshed

🛠️Fixed the issue where auto-assign was not working when assigning employees to a shift

🛠️Fixed the issue where a user could not select a job under that hierarchy level when creating a schedule

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Grandd Central 6.6
December 21, 2022
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡Shift UI Changes

  • You can now drag a shift from either the start or end for easy time changes

  • There is a new job schedule view with expandable sections

⚡ Scheduling Changes

  • Users are now able to clone a shift to a new day

  • Shift filters can now be added to the resource planner

⚡ Add position when adding a new employee

  • When manually adding a new employee from the employee list, we now provide an option from the add employee dialog to select/add a position to the employee

⚡ Punch comments now appear in notes

  • This makes it so that punch comments can be easily viewed under notes.

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed the issue where an inactivated or removed job said: “Job Removed.” It now differentiates if it was inactivated/removed and makes the text color red

🛠️ Fixed the issue where only one employee was able to be selected and assigned to a job at a time

🛠️ Fixed the issue where a newly created shift could not be edited or deleted

🛠️ Fixed the issue where shift templates could not be used from a job

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Grandd Central 6.5
November 2, 2022
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡Custom OT Policies

  • Under Pay Configuration, there will be a new Column called OT Policies that will allow you to add custom overtime policies

    • These can be defined at the hierarchy and job level

  • The Schedule and Payroll Settings tab in the Employee profile will now include an OT policy dropdown

⚡ Payroll View by Pay Calendar and Pay Group

  • New dropdown in payroll that allows you to view payroll by pay calendars and then applicable pay groups for that pay calendar

⚡ Supervisor, Exempt, and Agency Toggles for New Employees

  • There is now a toggle to select if an employee is exempt if they are an agency employee, and you will also be able to choose their supervisor when you are adding a new employee

⚡ View Hierarchy Tab

  • A "View Hierarchy Tab" user role permission can be turned on or off depending on if you want the account user to be able to view the hierarchy tab.

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed the issue that was causing the job tab on employee profiles not to load

🛠️ Ad-Hoc report is now able to show single-day data instead of the whole week

🛠️ Fixed issue that was causing face space images not to show in Grandd Central

🛠️ Fixed multiple issues with importing employees via CSV

🛠️ Fixed the issue that was preventing timecards from being approved

🛠️ Fixed issue that was preventing users with "View Timecards" permission from being unable to utilize reports on the jobs tab

🛠️ Fixed issues with employee accruals not being added and saving correctly

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Grandd Central 6.4
September 19, 2022
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡ Leave Tracking View Enhancements

  • Leaving tracking view will remember the user's choice (list view vs calendar view) so they don't have to select it every time

⚡ Job Consolidated Timesheet Changes

  • Pay Type and Pay Categories will now be separate columns

  • Added Week Selectors so users can easily switch between current week, last week, etc.

  • The time icon will open timecard to "Start Date" week

⚡ Payclass Column in Jobs Dashboard

  • If pay class is enabled, there will be a pay class column on the jobs dashboard

⚡ Color of Edits on Timecards

  • If the date/time is changed on an employees timecard, the punch will show in RED

  • Any other changes made to an employees timecard punches will show in PURPLE

⚡ Audit Record for When Pay Period is Locked or Unlocked

⚡ Timecard Audit Changes

  • The report will only show adds, edits, or deletes done by a user by default

  • Added an option to "Include All Audit Data," which will show all changes made

  • Added a section for employee number

⚡ User Modified Toggle Added for Jobs

  • This will allow users to see if a job was modified by a user in Grandd Central or by a connector change

⚡ Option to Mass Import Employees and/or Jobs via CSV File

⚡ Notification Settings Audit

  • This will show users if the notification settings on their profile were edited

⚡ Employee Punch Notes will be shown on both the timecard tab and the employee tab

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed issue with the export button on the Devices page

🛠️ Fixed issue with being unable to clear exceptions

🛠️ Corrected titles on training workflow

🛠️ Fixed issue that was causing an error when trying to expand Client Details on the Client tab

🛠️ Fixed issue that was preventing files to be uploaded to employee profiles

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Android Release 6.1
August 2, 2022
Android Mobile App

The latest app version will be 6.1 and is now available in the Play Store. 

Release Items

⚡New Design for Leave Tracking

  • Updated design to make requesting time off and viewing the status time off requests easier.

⚡New Time Fraud Alert

  • If airplane mode is enabled or if the time/date is changed manually on the device when a user punches in from mobile an alert will be created in Grandd Central to notify a manager or supervisor of potential time fraud.

⚡If the Hierarchy, Job, or Phase is not found upon opening the mobile app the employee's default Hierarchy will be selected in its place instead of defaulting to the account level.

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Increased server time out for when registering devices that will require a large data import.

🛠️ Fixed an issue where punches were not synching properly between multiple active devices.

🛠️ Fixed the issue where a shift, when deleted from Grandd Central, was not removed in the mobile app as well.

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Grandd Central Release 6.3
July 26, 2022
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡The option to expand all timecards is now available in the Jobs Timecards view.

⚡Enhanced details on device page

  • Removed red and green activity indicators for more accurate device activity representation.

  • New permissions icon to see what permissions have been enabled for the app on the device.

⚡New Ad Hoc report in Timecards. Create a custom report and select the data that you want included in the report.

⚡The records tab now remembers the last settings that were selected. If you navigate to a different tab and back, you should have the same filters selected as when you left the page.

⚡Added the option to apply a break based on rounded time for Auto Breaks.

⚡Updated the wording from "Current" to "Beginning Balance" in the leave tracking display in an employee profile.

⚡New Time Fraud Alert. Admins and Supervisors now have the option to subscribe to a time fraud alert email notification. This alert is triggered if an employee attempts to change the time manually on their device or places their phone in airplane mode.

⚡Updated phrasing for our Location Exception notifications to make them easier to understand for end users.

⚡New notification subscription for supervisors so they can be notified if an employee submits a note from mobile.

⚡New filter options to the Employee Filters.

⚡You now have the option to require supervisors to approve all punch sets before payroll can be locked

  • There is also an option to require employees to approve their own punch sets before payroll can be locked.

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed the reset password link for Grandd Central when trying to reset from a mobile device.

🛠️ Resolved the issue where an approved time-off punch set wasn't applying to the timecard.

🛠️ Fixed a couple of miscellaneous spelling/ grammar errors.

🛠️ Issue where daily supervisor checkmark was not sticking, or approving punch sets was resolved.

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iOS release 6.1
July 25, 2022
iOS Mobile App

Release Items

⚡ Shortened the 1-minute time limit in between punches

  • The 1-minute timer that prevents a user from submitting another punch for 60 seconds has been shortened to 15 seconds.

⚡ Added a 3-2-1 count-down before the start of the facial recognition training on mobile.

  • This will allow the users time to prepare for the photos and for any managers or supervisors to exit the frame and not be in the background.

⚡ Screen session timeout at 30 seconds

  • This new release will allow the screentime within the App to shut off after a 30-second use to create a higher level of added security and efficiency.

⚡ Shift notes are visible on the push notification sent out to employees with shift notifications.

  • Shift notes are now visible on the push notifications that alert employees of their scheduled shifts.

⚡ Time Fraud Alert Exception

  • Enhanced existing mobile time fraud functionality to detect Airplane mode and device time change

Bug Fixes

🛠️ We increased the timeout in the app when registering a new device to 5 minutes so the registration code stays valid for longer.

🛠️ Updated design for the reset password and fixed new cosmetic flaws.

🛠️ We fixed a sync issue where new jobs were not syncing to the device properly.

🛠️ We fixed an issue where the hierarchy navigation took too long to load, and the screen timed out before it could finish.

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Grandd Central Release 6.2.1
June 23, 2022
Grandd Central

Grandd Central release 6.2.1 is centered on three new features. Please see the notes and video below for more information!

Release Items

⚡ Added a new filter option in the employee filters to see Employees who have the user-modified toggle enabled. 

⚡ Added a place for supervisors and admins to view the descriptions added to leave requests sent from mobile.

⚡ Hierarchy settings such as mobile breaks and punch questions are now available for each job as well.

This will allow admins to override the hierarchy settings and customize the settings per job, in cases where the settings differ for certain jobs.

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed the issue where suspense punches were only showing when filtered to the account level and not when filtered to a specific hierarchy.

🛠️ Updated design for the reset password page and fixed a few cosmetic flaws.

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iOS Release 6.0.1
June 14, 2022
iOS Mobile App

The latest app version will be 6.0.1 and is now available in the App Store. 

We were so excited about our new files feature, we decided to make it, its own release! Watch the video to learn more.

Release Item

⚡ New Mobile Files Feature

  • If a file is added to an employee's profile in Grandd Central there is now a menu item to view the added files in the mobile app.

  • This can be used to display employee handbooks, pay stubs, etc.

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Android Release 6.0.1239
June 14, 2022
Android Mobile App

The latest app version will be 6.0.1239 and is now available in the Play Store. 

Release Items

⚡Shortened the 1-minute time limit in between punches

  • The 1-minute timer that prevents a user from submitting another punch for 60 seconds has been shortened to 15 seconds.

⚡ New Mobile Files Feature

  • If a file is added to an employee's profile in Grandd Central there is a new menu item to view the added files in the mobile app.

  • This can be used to display employee handbooks, pay stubs, etc.

⚡New Countdown before the start of facial recognition training

  • We added a 3 second countdown so that users have time to prepare before the facial recognition training scan begins.

  • This gives time for supervisors to exit the screen if necessary and so that employees can ensure there is sufficient lighting and optimal angles for the face captures.

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