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Grandd Central 5.23
December 9, 2021
Grandd Central

Grandd Central Release (5.23)

Release Items

Consolidated Timecard View

  • Ability to set a budget for pay types in the Jobs tab that can then be compared actual vs. budgeting with variance.

  • Note: This feature is only available in Jobs 

Punch Exception Question Responses

  • Punch question responses will now be shown in the exception field to make it easier for managers/supervisors to see what questions are being presented and selected.

Added Position to Expenses

  • When editing an expense, position will be shown along with hierarchy, phase, and job

Device Column Selection on Devices, Employees, and Jobs Page

  • This feature allows users to pick and choose what columns they want to see on the devices, employees, jobs page.  After customizing the columns the user can download the same view as a report (.csv file format).

Timecard Note Date

  • When an employee submits a timecard note, it will show the date the note was intended for and not just when it was created. 

6 Minute Rounding Rule

  • Works the same as the 15 Minute Rounding Rule.  For every three minutes after each 6-minute increment, time is rounded down. The second half of the interval rounds up to the nearest 6 minutes.

  • Example: 8:03 will be rounded down to 8:00, and 8:04 will be rounded up to 8:06

  • Note: The 15 minute and 6 minute rounding rules can't be both turned on.

Account User Redesign and Explicit Job/Viewing Permissions

  • The Add Account User popup will be redesigned to have a cleaner look and new options that include Job Explicit Assignment. A dropdown with choices will allow the user to see all jobs, specific jobs, or exclude particular jobs.

Suspense Punches Shown on Timecards

  • A suspense icon (yellow triangle) will show on a day on the timecard with a suspense punch. 

Auto Break Redesign and One Time Apply

  • The auto break popup has been redesigned with a cleaner look, and it gives users the ability to set up a one-time auto break, meaning this auto break will only be applied once and not be a recurring break.

  • We have also changed the time on auto breaks to be an hour field and minutes field instead of one field just for minutes.

 "Open Punches" Column on Zoomed-In Payroll View

  • Added an open punch column when employee name is clicked in payroll view.  This will make it easier to figure out which day that employee has a missing punch.

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed bug that was causing hierarchy positions to show in punch details when they were turned off

🛠️ Fixed bug that was causing self-service email not to save after input

🛠️ Fixed bug that allowed expenses or punches to be edited or added in locked/closed payroll period

🛠️ Fixed various issues for user permission that was preventing users from making changing or adding certain things

🛠️ Fixed bug that was causing the system to approve employees' timecards

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