⚡ Adding "Apply Once Per Day" Toggle to the Auto Breaks feature
This toggle will allow users to apply one auto break per day even if the employee works at multiple jobs or hierarchies
⚡ Limit Jobs Feature for Individual Mode Devices
This feature will work the same as limit jobs on clock and mobile clock mode devices.
Users can now limit what jobs the employee can punch to on their individual mode device.
⚡ Active Toggle in Phases
We've added an "Active" toggle in phases so that you can inactive and activate a phase within your account with the ease of turning on and off the toggle
⚡ Changes to the Total Labels on Timecards
Timecard totals will all be under the label "Week Totals" and then will list out each pay type shown on the timecard
⚡ User Modified Toggle
The user modified toggle(shown in the employee's profile under the User Policy tab) will get turned on if any manual changes are made to an employee's timecard.
Users can now turn this on or off when needed to allow for export changes made in a third-party program
⚡ Accrual Balance Report on Leave Tracking
This report will show the current accrual balance, accrual pending, and accrual pending balance
⚡ Force Sync Multiple Devices on Device Tab
Users can select multiple devices to sync down any changes that were made in Grandd Central
🛠️ Fixed issue that was causing timecards to not load properly
🛠️ Fixed issue that was showing "Duplicate Cost Center" error on hierarchy details on non-duplicated cost center
🛠️ Fixed issue that was causing opening a new tab in jobs menu to not work as expected
🛠️ Removed reCAPTCHA on login screen that was causing issues when trying to login
🛠️ Fixed issue with exporting selected hierarchies within payroll screen
🛠️ Fixed spacing issue within Employee Filter screen