⚡Custom OT Policies
Under Pay Configuration, there will be a new Column called OT Policies that will allow you to add custom overtime policies
These can be defined at the hierarchy and job level
The Schedule and Payroll Settings tab in the Employee profile will now include an OT policy dropdown
⚡ Payroll View by Pay Calendar and Pay Group
New dropdown in payroll that allows you to view payroll by pay calendars and then applicable pay groups for that pay calendar
⚡ Supervisor, Exempt, and Agency Toggles for New Employees
There is now a toggle to select if an employee is exempt if they are an agency employee, and you will also be able to choose their supervisor when you are adding a new employee
⚡ View Hierarchy Tab
A "View Hierarchy Tab" user role permission can be turned on or off depending on if you want the account user to be able to view the hierarchy tab.
🛠️ Fixed the issue that was causing the job tab on employee profiles not to load
🛠️ Ad-Hoc report is now able to show single-day data instead of the whole week
🛠️ Fixed issue that was causing face space images not to show in Grandd Central
🛠️ Fixed multiple issues with importing employees via CSV
🛠️ Fixed the issue that was preventing timecards from being approved
🛠️ Fixed issue that was preventing users with "View Timecards" permission from being unable to utilize reports on the jobs tab
🛠️ Fixed issues with employee accruals not being added and saving correctly