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Grandd Central 6.6
December 21, 2022
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡Shift UI Changes

  • You can now drag a shift from either the start or end for easy time changes

  • There is a new job schedule view with expandable sections

⚡ Scheduling Changes

  • Users are now able to clone a shift to a new day

  • Shift filters can now be added to the resource planner

⚡ Add position when adding a new employee

  • When manually adding a new employee from the employee list, we now provide an option from the add employee dialog to select/add a position to the employee

⚡ Punch comments now appear in notes

  • This makes it so that punch comments can be easily viewed under notes.

Bug Fixes

🛠️ Fixed the issue where an inactivated or removed job said: “Job Removed.” It now differentiates if it was inactivated/removed and makes the text color red

🛠️ Fixed the issue where only one employee was able to be selected and assigned to a job at a time

🛠️ Fixed the issue where a newly created shift could not be edited or deleted

🛠️ Fixed the issue where shift templates could not be used from a job

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