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Grandd Central 6.8
March 20, 2023
Grandd Central

Release Items

⚡Spanish Translation of Grandd Central

  • Users are now able to view Grandd Central in Spanish. This setting can be changed for specific users in user settings.

⚡Scheduling enhancements

  • Users can now change the hierarchy of a shift template by clicking on it in the shift template settings. Additionally, duplicate names on shift templates are now allowed when they have differing hierarchies.

⚡ Timecard details toggle

  • A user can now view the details of a punch set by turning on the "show timecard details" toggle. This will be helpful for quickly viewing the details of punch sets.

Bug Fixes

🛠️Fixed the issue where notification settings were not saving

🛠️Fixed the issue where the "exclude weekend" feature for scheduling was not working correctly

🛠️Fixed the issue where users could not add a shift from posted schedules as well as issues with deleting a shift

🛠️Fixed the issue where the punch comment email notification was not coming in

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