Grandd Central Release (5.20)
This Grandd Central release includes enhancements for searching employees and other data, a new Job Dashboard, and bug fixes.
⚡Allow partial search for employees instead of having to type the entire name/clock pin/id
⚡Employee Device Section will have more columns such as registration code, connected status, and more
⚡In the timecards view, if an employee has missing punches, their name will show up in bold
⚡Added an icon to go to employee's profile on the Timecards page
⚡Improvements for notifications and error messaging
⚡Adjusted format/description of punch capture and upload times in punch details
⚡Ability to download current grid to CSV (all tabs)
⚡If changes are made to geofence, a popup will show to confirm changes.
⚡Timecard and Payroll Inline Expense
Ability to add expenses that will show up on timecards and payroll screen
⚡Jobs Dashboard
Each job will have a dashboard showing hours, number of employees currently working, and job phases
⚡Punch Location Map Enhancement
Punch Details Map will show jobs within a 5 mile radius of punch
⚡Employee Tab Advanced Filter
Ability to add/save filters that show employees with a certain supervisor, default hierarchy, etc
🛠️Fixed typo on Punch Questions and Timecards screens
🛠️Fixed bug when "Save" button is clicked twice when adding a note it duplicates
🛠️Fixed alignment on Notes
🛠️Fixed issue of wrong week opening when open new tab icon is selected on Timecard screen
🛠️Added missing labels to the side menu of Dashboard
🛠️Fixed bug that caused automatic log out when Web Punch is used
🛠️Fixed bug that still showed deleted break on the mobile device
🛠️Fixed bug that caused hours to start accruing before the start date
🛠️Added title to Approved Time Off request notification
🛠️Fixed error that was happening when uploading a file to Job Expense
🛠️Fixed bug that caused assigned jobs not to show up in Employees Profiles
🛠️Fixed bug that prevented name of equipment from updating on a timecard
🛠️Added space between job and equipment on timecards
🛠️Fixed bug that caused all employees timecards to expand when "Filter by Punch Hierarchy" is on
🛠️Fixed issue with edited accruals, not updating and not being able to inactivate accruals after they are used in payroll or leave tracking
🛠️Fixed issue with employees' timecards and records page not loading
🛠️Fixed device export report that showed an empty Device Description field