⚡ Added additional audit logging for the Jobs, Clients and Employees tab
⚡ Custom User Defined Fields
Each Job, Client & Employee now have four custom User Defined Fields to hold data
The labels for all four fields can be renamed as well
⚡ Additional User Permissions
User Roles now contain "Job", and "Client" sections with a set of permissions that can be used to limit actions for each module
⚡ Auto Break Enhancement
Auto breaks can be applied based on the user's default hierarchy
Previously they were only applied based on where in the hierarchy a user punches
⚡ Prior Period Adjustment Feature
Allows users to go back into locked periods of an employee's timecard, make edits which then causes a recalculation of time
The difference between what was locked and the new calculation is then applied to a specified pay period for reconciliation
There is also the ability to assign a "Retro" pay type for any Prior Period Adjustments
🛠️ If the Phase Required toggle is on for an employee, punches on the timecard manually added should require a Phase before adding
🛠️ Adding a note on Timecard appeared on the incorrect day
🛠️ When clicking the clock icon next to an employee's name in the payroll tab, the timecard popup was not filtering to the expected timecard week
🛠️ Various bug fixes regarding locking payroll, assigning shifts that have Job-Phases, Pay Classes and Dashboard